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Best Tips for Badminton Players to improve performance

Best Tips for Badminton Players to improve performance

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In this Sporty India. People's Love and Interest in Badminton are rising. Now, Badminton Players like Saina NehwalPV Sindhu, and Kidami Srikanth. Have as much popularity and achievement as cricketers.

In India, it is true; Badminton is highly popular among Kids and adults. As it is played both indoors and outdoors. It is known for fun or professional playing. It is fit for the Body as it boosts energy level, sporting spirit, logic, etc.

Good Warm-up before going to play Badminton

Before going to play Badminton, it is good to warm up your Body. Warming up a ready and active Body by increasing efficiency, promotes flexibility, improves moves, and boosts blood flow in muscles for good play.

Good Warm-up is done step by step. Our Body cell's activity takes time. So, Have fun and freshness while warming up :

1. Stretching and Mobility of Joints
  • Remove Stiffness in the body through moving joints. Wrist, Shoulder, Ankle, elbow, hip, and knee joints per movement for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Upper Body swing movements for back and forward in Badminton for 20 times each. 
  •  Now, Go with gentle and soft exercises which increase blood flow into muscles. Stretch thighs, calves, shoulders, and back muscles for 20 to 30 seconds per muscle.
2. Energize warming up
  •  Now, it's time to run for 10 minutes. Then Increase the pace of running for 5 Minutes.
  • Athletic exercises such as high knees up, twists, and side steps with fast feet.
  • Jumping rope, Body core, and working with rubber bands will energize your body.
3. Move to Court
  • Now, it is time to take a Badminton racquet and zipper on the court. You have been patient enough.
  • Start your Bike and drive it normally. Firstly, work on half court. Then, explore your area of movement.
  • This will help you to make good balance, footwork, and feelings. It will help you to make control the shuttlecock.

You are ready to Play!

Choose the Right Badminton that Suits your Style of Play

To Convert Badminton challenging tasks into easy playing. It is the first thing in Badminton to choose the right racquet that suits your style of play.

Having the right Badminton not only changes playing style but it enhances playing techniques. So that the playing level can increase from what you have imagined.

Every player's style of play is different. In the Market, they go for common or expensive badminton which doesn’t match their level.

Here are some things which every Level of Badminton player should consider to sharpen their style for pro and fun playing.

  • If you play Badminton occasionally for fun and relaxation, it is ideal to have a large surface area with a Leather foam cushioned grip. Buy Vicky Smash Badminton Racket, they are weighted, balanced, and Flexible for you.
  • If you play Badminton on a regular or daily basis, you need durable and powerful Badminton. It is ideal to buy a Vicky Mars Badminton Racquet. The Spot of balance, Leather grip, and lightweight will deliver powerful shots and enhance your performance.
  • If you are a professional with Badminton, it is fit to buy Vicky Soyuz Badminton. These are perfect and controlled badminton racquets. However, these are designed with a wide body with a tempered steel shaft for superior control and excellent responsiveness.

Stay Hydrated - before, during, and after your sessions

The human body should stay Hydrated. It is not only for sessions but for a healthy life. Hydrations keep organs functioning properly; prevent infection, joints lubricated, etc.

If you want to stay hydrated before, during, and after your badminton sessions. There are different approaches for every session, they are as follows:

  • Before the session, you have to drink water between 200 to 900 ml per hour. And a Small cup of coffee.
  • During the Session, do not drink too much water. Hydrate your body with exercise and energy drinks.
  • After the session, Drink mixed fruit juices, smoothies, and water. After that, take almonds, fruits (kiwi, banana, strawberry, and grapes), and oats for a proper diet.

Need to improve your Footwork

Every player needs to improve their playing style either footwork, swing, etc. to reach the pro membership. Here are some points of good footwork for good play.

1. Position
  • Players remain in the same place from the first shot to the last shot which is a big mistake. They have to vary or make changes in their position while hitting and then come back to position.
  • To become ideal players, you have to make good footsteps in order where the shuttlecock lands. Mostly cover the center base of a hit for the premium shot.
2. Maintenance
  • In Badminton, you have to move fast which requires a lightning-fast reaction. For this, you need to stretch your legs and arms forward and backward to attain the shuttlecock.
  • Making sudden or big movements will affect your playing. So maintain a stable posture and balance on the ground of your anchoring foot.
  • Make the other foot lively for stretching and reach the shuttle. With this, it will be easy for you to hit a good shot and return to your normal position with less balance and energy.
3. Learn
  • Players need to add jumps to their footwork. This additional work will take your badminton playing to the next level.
  • The Best way to jump from feet one or two and try to land on the same one which reduces the impact on the knees.
  • If you want to have a smash style, jumps are useful. They will help to make a good angle for high hits.

Good practice to handle Badminton Shuttlecock Flight

Every person needs the practice to handle things in a good way. The same phase is applied to Badminton players. When they practice well, they can easily handle Badminton Shuttlecock flight for powerful hits.

How would you do good practice? You need to know about Badminton racquet balance points. These points will give you extra power, skills, and efficiency for Good play. Here are 3 energizing points which help to do good practice handling Badminton Shuttlecock flight:

  • Make your Balance at the head point of the racquet; they will give you the power to hit. Send the Badminton Shuttlecock at a good length with less control.
  • There should be a perfect balance between power and control. If you have a neutral balance point, it is good to compromise. They haven’t learned strengths and weaknesses.
  • The last Balance point is to have control over the handle which speeds up your reaction and provides you the power to hit a shot.


Online shopping has made life easy and happy. In Clicks we can buy anything from a vast market. So if you are looking for the best Badminton Racket with awesome deals and discounts. Buy SyntheticNylon, and Feather Badminton Shuttlecock from Vicky Sports.

You will find every badminton racquet here for beginners, trainees, and fun players in good options with quality. The racquet which you have imagined for premium badminton playing, you will get here. Explore your badminton with Vicky Sports.